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Here I collect books and blogs about everything related to software development that I have read or am currently reading. For me this serves as an archive and for you it could potentially serve as an inspiration.

If you have similar interests or taste and have the feeling I missed out on something and you have a reading recommendation feel free to contact me!

Books (42)

Initially I compiled this list without any specific order but I will try to add new additions to the top of the list so they will appear first.

Get Your Hands Dirty on Clean Architecture

Get Your Hands Dirty on Clean Architecture

by Tom Hombergs

Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests

Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests

by Steve Freeman, Nat Pryce

Test-Driven Development

Test-Driven Development

by Kent Beck

Code That Fits in Your Head

Code That Fits in Your Head

by Mark Seemann

Designing Data-Intensive Applications

Designing Data-Intensive Applications

by Martin Kleppmann

Fundamentals of Software Architecture

Fundamentals of Software Architecture

by Mark Richards, Neal Ford

Talking with Tech Leads

Talking with Tech Leads

by Patrick Kua

Functional Programming in C#

Functional Programming in C#

by Enrico Buonanno

Domain Modeling Made Functional

Domain Modeling Made Functional

by Scott Wlaschin

Math for Programmers

Math for Programmers

by Paul Orland

Team Topologies

Team Topologies

by Matthew Skelton, Manuel Pais, Ruth Malan

API Design Patterns

API Design Patterns

by J. J. Geewax

Building Evolutionary Architectures

Building Evolutionary Architectures

by Neal Ford, Rebecca Parsons, Patrick Kua

The Phoenix Project

The Phoenix Project

by Gene Kim, Kevin Behr, George Spafford

Testing Angular Applications

Testing Angular Applications

by Jesse Palmer, Corinna Cohn, Mike Giambalvo, Craig Nishina

Clean Code

Clean Code

by Robert C. Martin

Clean Architecture

Clean Architecture

by Robert C. Martin

The Clean Coder

The Clean Coder

by Robert C. Martin

CLR via C#

CLR via C#

by Jeffrey Richter

Building Microservices

Building Microservices

by Sam Newman

Domain-Driven Design

Domain-Driven Design

by Eric Evans



by Martin Fowler

Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture

Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture

by Martin Fowler

C# in Depth

C# in Depth

by Jon Skeet

Dependency Injection

Dependency Injection

by Mark Seemann, Steven van Deursen

Design Patterns

Design Patterns

by Erich Gamma, John Vlissides, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson

Domain-Driven Design Distilled

Domain-Driven Design Distilled

by Vaughn Vernon

Enterprise Integration Patterns

Enterprise Integration Patterns

by Gregor Hohpe, Bobby Woolf

RxJS in Action

RxJS in Action

by Paul P. Daniels, Luis Atencio

The Art of Unit Testing

The Art of Unit Testing

by Roy Osherove

TypeScript in 50 Lessons

TypeScript in 50 Lessons

by Stefan Baumgartner

Release it!

Release it!

by Michael T. Nygard

Refactoring UI

Refactoring UI

by Adam Wathan, Steve Schoger

Reactive Programming with RxJS

Reactive Programming with RxJS

by Sergi Mansilla

React in Action

React in Action

by Mark Tielens Thomas

Microservices Patterns

Microservices Patterns

by Chris Richardson

Microservices in .NET Core

Microservices in .NET Core

by Christian Horsdal

Implementing Domain-Driven Design

Implementing Domain-Driven Design

by Vaughn Vernon

Entity Framework Core in Action

Entity Framework Core in Action

by Jon Smith

ASP.NET Core in Action

ASP.NET Core in Action

by Andrew Lock

Angular in Action

Angular in Action

by Jeremy Wilken

Angular Development with Typescript

Angular Development with Typescript

by Yakov Fain, Anton Moiseev

Blogs (15)

This list has no specific order and will continue to grow as I read along and discover new great sources of information.