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Book Review and Notes of Domain Modeling Made Functional

Published on July 15, 2022

Written by @rhagen_

Reading time 8 minutes

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I recently finished reading Domain Modeling Made Functional by Scott Wlaschin and experienced a quite enjoyable refreshment of domain driven design concepts and approaches. I also made first contact with the F# language and learned a lot about the type system and the composability of functions. What I especially enjoyed was that the first couple of chapters had a strong focus on a lot of topics around strategic design and gave really great examples for how to work out and represent business workflows. While the book talked about functional architectures I also was reminded of the types of communication and kinds of contracts between bounded contexts and how important it is to make them explicit, especially when working across teams and departments.

I found myself nodding along with many of the explanations around the domain driven design ideas, as I was familiar with a lot of the theory and have read a couple of books on it. The book does not asume any pre existing knowledge and guides the reader through the process of domain discovery and modeling using tools like event storming, interviews with domain experts, context maps and documenting command workflows in form of diagrams and written text. A typical order taking context as seen in many of the other books and examples around this topic was used to provide some backstory.

Who Will Benefit from This Book and How?

This book will be interesting for any developer or architect and will be less relevant but still interesting for product owners working with teams that strive to do domain-driven design (at least the first couple of chapters on domain discovery). The contents provide an example of how the discovery and design phase of a domain can look like and how to translate the language and workflows of the domain into functional pipelines and the F# type system.


These are the notes I captured from the book for future reference.

Context Maps

A context map shows the big picture without going into the details of a design. It shows the various bounded contexts and their relationships at a high level. The goal is to provide a view of the system as a whole. These contexts need to be discovered first and the book does a good job of telling a story of how to get there.

Context Map

What I like is the information conveyed in such a simple map that can also be drawn rather quickly. In this map example above (left) we can informally say that the shipping context is downstream and the order-taking context is upstream. The upstream context typically has more influence over the format of the events, but sometimes the downstream context is inflexible (when working with a legacy system) and either the upstream context must adapt to that, or some sort of translator component will be needed as an intermediary. Thinking in terms of upstream/downstream components also helps to see where certain business processes originated from and where they continue.

The map example above (right) includes the relationships between the contexts in the diagram. These relationships are no longer purely technical but also show the relationships between the teams that own the contexts and how we expect them to collaborate (or not). The book reminded me that how domains interact is often just as much an organizational challenge as it is a technical one. The company I work for is currently in the process of restructuring the platform towards team topologies and I think context maps that explicitly define relationships will come in handy while doing so.

Documenting the domain

For the past couple of years I have been working on a CQRS style application in a microservice context within a team that tries to do its best at domain-driven design. The book lays out a domain discovery process which results in a timeline of the events and processes within the domain (event storming) and further maps them to commands that represent certain parts of a business workflow. I liked the visual and text based representations of those commands and the fact that they nicely match what the team that I work in has been doing in the codebase already. We never really drew them out that way but I like the idea of doing so when onboarding new collegues or during team meetings when talking about existing or new workflows.


In the diagram above a workflow is represented given its inputs, outputs and desired side-effects. Business processes often rely on other parts in the domain that provide/validate data which is also made visible in the diagram. The input to a workflow is always the data associated with a command and the ouptut is always a set of events to communicate to other contexts.

Below is an example from the book for the place order workflow. The same workflow is shown in a diagram and in written text. I have not seen a text based representation like this before and I liked how it captures the domain in a slightly structured way. The example was extended throughout the book to also include the substeps of the workflow in pseudocode which can be useful when talking it through in a team.

Place order exaple

Bounded context: Order-Taking

Workflow: "Place order"
triggered by:
"Order form received" event (when Quote is not checked)
primary input:
An order form
other input:
Product catalog
output events:
"Order Placed" event
An acknowledgement is sent to the customer, along with the placed order

data Order =
AND ShippingAddress
AND BillingAddress
AND list of OrderLines
AND AmountToBill

data OrderLine =
AND Quantity
AND Price


Terminology for business activities:

Concepts of Domain-Driven-Design:

Four levels of the C4 approach:

Relationships between contexts: